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Meet us in DC this November for STAND’s annual Fall Lobby Weekend!

On November 12-13, we are hosting our annual STAND Fall Lobby Weekend for Atrocity Prevention in Washington, DC! This is your time to gather with other student activists from across the country, hear from activists working in the field, and to lobby Congress to pass significant atrocity prevention legislation!

On Sunday, November 12, you will receive all of the training you will need to effectively lobby, organize your campuses to rally behind genocide prevention, and more! Our speakers are excited to share their wealth of knowledge with you, to prepare you - the next generation of #genprev activists - to mobilize your communities and become stronger advocates.

The big day is Monday, November 13, when you will finally get the chance to STAND up for our issues and lobby Congress! This is a great opportunity to meet with your representatives and show them that their constituents care about genocide and atrocity prevention.

Registration is $20, but we have limited fee waivers available for those who cannot otherwise attend. Need help figuring out budgeting or travel? Just reply to this email and we’ll be happy to lend a hand! We hope you’ll join us for this incredible opportunity, whether it is your first, second, or third lobby weekend - we’d love to meet you in person! In solidarity, Savannah Wooten Student Director University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill '18


(c) 2017 Stand

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