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Al Jazeera Interviews Two Important Figures in Khartoum About Protests Throughout Sudan

Al Jazeera has aired a lengthy and notable interview program (January 9, 2018), featuring two people in Khartoum; it provides and excellent overview of the situation on the ground in Sudan. The two people interviewed are Hafiz Mohamad, an economist and Director of Justice Africa in Sudan, and student activist Badreldin Salah (in hiding from NISS and speaking by Skype).

There are some notable and unfortunate errors of fact by Al Jazeera—e.g., Omar al-Bashir has not been charged only with “war crimes” by the International Criminal Court (as Al Jazeera declares repeatedly) but massive crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur; the date for the arrest warrants issued is not just 2009, as Al Jazeera would have it, but 2009 and 2010 (the latter date is when the arrest warrant charging al-Bashir with genocide was issued); the current inflation rate in Sudan far exceeds the “25%” that Al Jazeera repeatedly includes as background information to footage of demonstrations: this is simply the figure of the Central Bureau of Statistics and is credited by no one outside of the regime; see | ).

But the program is a substantial and important contribution to international news reporting, which has been woefully inadequate. And film footage included as background is extraordinarily good and revealing:

Some still images from the footage:

(c) 2018 SUDAN Research, Analysis, and Advocacy

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