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Why is the EU doing nothing about ethnic cleansing of Rohingya?

A list of studies that have now formed the scholarly and research basis for genocide case against the State of Myanmar. Spring 2014 (University of Washington School of Law/Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, first-tired peer-review academic journal) Research Reports and Legal Studies Queen Mary University of London Law School ISCI (Oct 2015) Yale University School of Law commissioned by FortifyRights Clinic Study Finds Evidence of Genocide in Myanmar (Oct 2015) Permanent Peoples Tribunal on Myanmar: Verdict (audio visual and written), Sept. 2016 US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Nov 2017 The Mounting Evidence of a Genocide: the Plight of the Rohingya The list of UN Special Rapporteurs on Myanmar who have called it a genocide: Tomas Ojea Quintana ("elements of genocide", Apr 2014 at the LSE Conference and "genocide", May 2015, Oslo Conference) Yanghee Lee ("hallmarks of a genocide", UNGA Press Conference in Sept 2017). EU head of state who have called it a genocide officially - French President Macron Non-EU heads of state who have called it a genocide: Turkish President Erdogin Malaysian PM - Najib Politicians who have called it a genocide US Senator Ben Cardin quite a number of UK MPs UN officials who have called it a genocide ex-Brigadier General Romeo Dallaire, former head of Rwandan Peacekeeping Force Academics who have called it genocide openly Irwin Cotler, professor of law at McGill and former Justice Minister of Canada and Mandela's legal counsel The late Benedict O G Anderson Noam Chomsky James C. Scott Barbara Harrell-Bond - Oxford's FOunder of refugee studies Amartya Sen - Harvard Mary Kaldor LSE Barbara Harriss-White - Oxford Sabina Alkire - Oxfore Nobel Peace Laureates who have called it a genocide

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