
Country Overview
CIA World Factbook
Targeted Groups | Perpetrators | Alert Status | Genocide Stage(s) |
| Watch | Stage 3: Discrimination, Stage 6: Polarization, Stage 10: Denial |
Although Rwanda has undergone an overall successful peacebuilding process since the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi minority, there are still signs of continued discrimination, polarization and denial between the Tutsi and the Hutu majority. Survivors of the genocide, including victims of sexual violence, also remain traumatized. Genocide denial remains a problem at home and abroad. However, the goverment uses claims it is tackling denialism to severely repress its critics and freedom of expression and has even outlawed references to ethnic difference. These limits on free speech are hiding ethnic tensions that could escalate into renewed violence.

Page last updated:
Rwanda: The Long Road to Reconciliation
Rwanda’s National Unity and Reconciliation Program | E-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
Elementary forms of collective denial: The 1994 Rwanda Genocide | Helen Hintjens & Jos van Oijen