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Archaeological Map

Country Overview

CIA World Factbook

Targeted Groups
Alert Status
Genocide Stage(s)
  • Dungan people 

  • Ethnic minorities

  • Politcal opposition

  • Kazakh Nationalist 

  • Nazarbayev Regime 

Stage 5: Organization and Stage 6: Polarization


The Nazarbayev Regime is one of the most corrupt and oppressive regimes in the world. While Nursultan Nazarbayev officially left the Presidency in 2019, many believe he is still in control. Journalists,  political/civil opposition, and activists are frequently detained, oftentimes tortured, and executed. Ethnic minorities also face persecution as Kazakh nationalism begins to grow in the country.

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'Terrifying': Eye-Witnesses Recall Kazakh Ethnic Violence As Ruins Smolder

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Dungan Incident Just Kazakhstan's Latest Interethnic Violence

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Kazakhstan Events of 2020- Human Rights Watch

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