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Country Overview

CIA World Factbook

Targeted Groups
Alert Status
Genocide Stage(s)
  • Greek and Maronite minorities

  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

  • Cyprus Turkish Peace Force Command

Stage 2: Symbolization, Stage 6: Polarization


The election of Ankara-backed right-wing nationalist Ersin Tatar over incumbent Mustafa Akinci in Northern Cyprus’s elections in October 2020 exacerbated tensions between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The presence of 43,000 Turkish troops in Northern Cyprus and Turkey’s alteration of the demographics of Northern Cyprus have made resolution of the Cyprus conflict unlikely. Turkey's military exercises in Northern Cyprus in September 2020 do not bode well for peace.

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Nicosia, Cyprus: the last divided capital in Europe

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2020 Report on International Religious Freedom: Cyprus

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Amnesty International: Cyprus

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