
Data: Proyecto Inventario; Map: Will Chase/Axios
Country Overview
Targeted Groups | Perpetrators | Alert Status | Genocide Stage(s) |
| Watch | Stage 3: Discrimination, Stage 10: Denial |
| Watch | Stage 3: Discrimination
Stage 8: Persecution
Stage 10: Denial |
After the 1959 Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro founded a one-party communist state. It has ruled with unchecked repression ever since. Army and police target any public opposition by human rights groups, unions, journalists, and non-governmental associations. Following the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the United States placed an embargo on Cuba that is still in effect. The embargo severely impacts the Cuban population. Restrictions have harmed UN development programs, agricultural assistance, and access to medical technology and equipment. Upset with living conditions and restrictions on civil liberties, Cubans took to the streets in July of 2021— the nation's largest anti-government demonstrations since 1994. President Diaz-Canel ordered security forces to violently attack protesters, many of whom were arrested, subjecting over 5,000 peaceful demonstrators to detention. Detainees were denied legal representation and access to medical care, and were subjected to sleep deprivation, beatings, and torture. Making up an estimated 62% of the country's population, Afro-Cubans are disproportionately arrested by police. They remain severely disadvantaged by economic inequality. Protests against racism are outlawed, and civil rights activists are detained or forced into exile.
Cuba faced the biggest protests since the revolution. One year on, the government’s grip is tighter than ever
Cuba faced the biggest protests since the revolution. One year on, the government’s grip is tighter than ever