South Sudan

Country Overview
US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Targeted Groups | Perpetrators | Alert Status | Genocide Stage(s) |
| Emergency | Stage 9: Extermination |
Since South Sudan's civil war began in 2013, Dinka government forces and Nuer militias have tortured, raped, and killed hundreds of thousands civilians based on ethnicity. Conflict in the country has resulted in 2.4 million refugees and 2.3 million internally displaced. Today, an estimated 9.4 million people require humanitarian assisstance and 7.1 million civilians face acute food insecurity. Growing insecurity due to the ongoing civil war has resulted in a steady increase in mass rape and gender-based violence. Renewed violence threatens the country's fragile peace deal.

Page last updated:
South Sudan: Civilians Abused, Displaced in Counter-Insurgency
South Sudan: Ethnic Conflict and Civil War
South Sudan: the conflict in focus