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Archaeological Map

Country Overview

CIA World Factbook

Targeted Groups
Alert Status
Genocide Stage(s)
  • Civilians 

  • Women 

  • Children

  • LGBTQIA+ People 

  • Uganda People's Defense Force 

  • Local Defense Units (LDUs) 

Stage 6: Polarization


Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has ruled Uganda since 1986. In February 2021 Uganda held elections. Security forces killed, arrested, and abused journalists, opposition members, and protestors. Repression by the Ugandan police and military continues to target minority ethnic groups and political opponents. Ugandan legislators have also made several unsuccessful, but impactful attempts to implement the death penalty on top of already harsh prison sentences for homosexuality.

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Uganda's most violent election in history comes to a close

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Freedom House Report: Uganda, 2020

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Human Rights Watch 2020 Report: Uganda

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