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"Between Terror and Repression: Human Rights and Violent Extremism" - March 30th at Freedo

Freedom House

Between Terror and Repression: The Role of Human Rights in the Struggle Against Violent Extremist Violence

Thursday, March 30, 2017

9:30 am to 11:00 am

Freedom House

1850 M Street NW

Washington D.C. 20036

Link to RSVP-


Please join us for a discussion on how support for international human rights policies and programs can play a role in countering violent extremism.

Extremist ideologies used to justify violence and terror explicitly reject the values that lie at the heart of the international human rights system. Around the world, violent extremist groups attempt to curtail free expression, religious liberty, gender equality, and other fundamental rights. At the same time, some governments have cited the global struggle against extremist violence to justify actions against political opposition, increasing abuse by security forces, and curtailing civil liberties of their citizens, which ultimately undermines democratic values and principles.

Remarks by:

Shamil Idriss

President & CEO

Search for Common Ground

Discussion with:

Shannon Green

Director and Senior Fellow, Human Rights Initiative

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Linda Bishai

Director of Research, Learning, and Evaluation

BA Rule of Law Initiative

Marjorie Rouse

Senior Vice President for Programs



Bobby Herman

Vice President for International Programs, Emergency Assistance, and Multilateral Initiatives

Freedom House

Freedom House, the American Bar Association, Pact, Internews, and Search for Common Ground formed the “Protecting Global Rights through Sustainable Solutions” Consortium (PROGRESS) to implement USAID’s Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) Strategy objective #3: Protect and promote universally recognized human rights, through the Human Rights Support Mechanism. The HRSM Learning Forum is a series of discussions on specific issues in the field of democracy, human rights, and governance. This event was made possible with the generous support of the American People through USAID.


(c) 2017 Freedom House

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