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Activity Overview | Pregled aktivnosti SEP - OCT 2017

Activity Overview | Pregled aktivnosti

SEP - OCT 2017

Intercultural Achievement Award Nagrada za interkulturalna dostiguća

On September 28, PCRC received the Intercultural Achievement Award from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs during a ceremony hosted by the Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo. We received this award for Balkan Diskurs - our independent multimedia platform that provides young citizen journalists, activists and academics in the Western Balkans with a space - free from censorship - to publish their opinions, analyses and impressions of relevant issues in the region.

Centar za postkonfliktna istraživanja (CPI) je 28. septembra primio Nagradu za interkulturalna dostignuća koju dodjeljuje Austrijsko Federalno ministarstvo za Evropu, integracije i spoljne poslove, tokom ceremonije koja je organizovana u Austrijskoj Ambasadi u Sarajevu. Nagradu smo dobili za naš rad na Balkan Diskursu- nezavisnoj, multimedijalnoj platformi koja pruža priliku mladim novinarima, aktivistima i akademicima sa Zapadnog Balkana da objavljuju svoja mišljenja, analize i utiske o relevantim događajima u regionu bez straha od cenzure.

What's new on Balkan Diskurs? Šta je novo na Balkan Diskursu?

Be sure to check out the new, re-designed and read viewpoints on society, culture, and politics that cannot be found in other media. As the winner of the Intercultural Achievement Recognition Award by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe,Integration and Foreign Affairs, we had the chance to re-design the Balkan Diskurs website and present this award-winning journalistic platform in an updated, more streamlined way.

Naša multimedijalna platforma Balkan Diskurs je sada dostupna u novom, redizajniranom ruhu na! Kao dobitnici Nagrade za interkulturalna dostignuća od strane Austrijskog federalnog ministarstva za Evropu, intergracije i spoljne poslove, Balkan Diskurs je dobio priliku da redizajnira svoju web stranicu i predstavi svoj nagrađivani rad u novom svjetlu.

Resonant Voices Hackathon Resonant Voices hakaton

One team, two days, and third place at the Resonant Voices Hackathon in the Western Balkans! PCRC walked away from the Resonant Voices Initiative with new mentorship and funding to launch the next phase of our Ordinary Heroes program. The hackathon, organized through partnership between CIJA US, Birn Balkans, and Talks 2.0, was designed to help critical voices in the region further develop the skills, know-how, and resources to counter radicalization and extremism online. Click here to learn more about our award-winning Ordinary Heroes program.

Jedan tim, dva dana i osvojeno treće mjesto na Resonant Voices hakatonu! Resonant Voices inicijativa nam je donjela novo mentorstvo i finansije za pokretanje naredne faze našegprograma Obični heroji. Hakaton, organizovan kroz partnerstvo između CIJA US, Birn Balkan i Talks 2.0, dizajniran je da pomogne kritičnim glasovima u regionu da razvijaju vještine i resurse za borbu protiv radikalizacije i ekstremizma na internetu. Kliknite ovdje da saznate više o našem nagrađivanom programu Obični heroji.


(c) 2017 WARM

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