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Six Women Raped in Darfur Camp

More horrifying attacks on women are still unfolding in Darfur. On Friday, February 8, six women were violently raped by government forces in North Darfur. During the rape, Kaltouma Yousef (19-years-old) was stabbed in the head with a knife, Fatima Haroun’s (40-years-old) head was seriously wounded, Hawaya Omar (40-years-old) suffered spinal injuries, and Hawa Saleh’s (29) legs were repeatedly wounded and her kidneys bruised.

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident, but a part of al-Bashir’s well-orchestrated trend of al- Bashir’s brutal attacks against the genocide victims in Darfur, most of which go undocumented. Now is the time to advocate for and stand with the Sudanese people against Omar al-Bashir’s regime who is responsible for killing more than half a million men, women and children in Darfur. The regime currently continues the genocide of its own people across Sudan, where 50 people were killed in the last few weeks.

This week’s attack on these women demonstrates that the current protests in Sudan are deeply rooted in the longstanding injustices that have been perpetrated by al-Bashir forces for almost two decades in Darfur and other marginalized regions of Sudan. There will not be peace, protection or justice for women in Sudan as long as al-Bashir is controlling the country. The protesters’ demands are legitimate and just. We, therefore, urge you to stand with the people of Sudan.

Please speak up and ask your representative to publicly condemn these attacks on women and support protesters’ demand for change in Sudan. Given the long-standing history of genocide and crimes against humanity committed by the Omar al-Bashir regime, we call-upon you to ask your policymakers to press the government of Sudan to respect and adhere to the aspirations and demands of the Sudanese people, and to end attacks on women and innocent civilians. This issue must be met with intervention, respect for human decency, and at the minimum, humility by the international community.

Please stand in solidarity with these women and add your voice to our Stand With Sudan campaign.

With gratitude,

Founder of DWAG, Niemat Ahmadi

Darfur Women Action Group

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