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Afghan War Casualty Report: June 2021

At least 64 pro-government forces and 26 civilians have been killed in Afghanistan so far this month.

June 3, 2021 | By Fatima Faizi and Najim Rahim

The following report compiles all significant security incidents confirmed by New York Times reporters throughout Afghanistan for the month. It is necessarily incomplete as many local officials refuse to confirm casualty information. The report includes government claims of insurgent casualty figures, but in most cases these cannot be independently verified by The Times. Similarly, the reports do not include Taliban claims for their attacks on the government unless they can be verified. Both sides routinely inflate casualty totals for their opponents.

June 1-3, 2021

At least 64 pro-government forces and 26 civilians were killed in Afghanistan in the first three days of June, as the Taliban ramp up attacks on Afghan security forces and the United States withdraws from the country. The deadliest attack occurred in Nangarhar Province, where Taliban coordinated attacks on several security outposts in Haska Meyna district. During the attack, three border soldiers and 37 territorial army soldiers were killed and 12 more were wounded. Five outposts and a base fell to the Taliban.

May 3 Uruzgan Province: Three police officers killed

Coordinated attacks on Gizab district by the Taliban are underway. Fighting is ongoing in the government compound and a police headquarters. The Taliban attacked a prison and killed at least three police officers, including the head of the prison, though the overall death toll in the district could be much higher. Officials say they don’t have access to the district and if the reinforcements aren’t sent then the district will fall to the Taliban.

June 3 Kabul Province: four civilians killed

Four civilians were killed and five others were wounded when a bomb targeted a van in the Sixth Police District of Kabul city, the capital. This was the second of two van bombings in this police district, which is prominently Hazara, on June 3.

June 3 Kabul Province: four civilians killed

A van was targeted by a bomb in the Sixth Police District of Kabul city, killing four civilians, including two women, and wounding four others.

June 3 Samangan Province: five militia members and two civilians killed

During a Taliban attack on a military base in Dara-e-Suf Bala district, five pro-government militia members and two civilians were killed, and four pro-government militia members were wounded. June 3 Faryab Province: one police officer killed

One police officer was killed during an operation by Afghan security forces in Maimana, the provincial capital.

June 3 Herat Province: one civilian killed

The deputy head of the religious scholars council for western Afghanistan was shot to death by unknown armed men in Injil district. The attackers fled the scene. No groups have claimed the responsibility yet.

June 3 Herat Province: one civilian killed

A man was shot and killed by unknown armed men in Kandahar city, the provincial capital. The attackers escaped the area. The police are investigating the case.

June 3 Badakhshan Province: five pro-government militia members killed

The Taliban attacked a village in Darayem district, killing five pro-government militia members and taking the village.

June 2 Faryab Province: one militia member killed

A pro-government militia member was killed in Shirin Tagab district when the militia’s outpost was attacked with a grenade.

June 2 Balkh Province: two soldiers killed

In an insider attack at an outpost in Charbolak district, two soldiers were killed and one more was wounded. The attacker joined the Taliban.

June 2 Nangarhar Province: two civilians killed

A roadside bomb targeting a C.I.A.-backed special operations unit in Jalalabad, the provincial capital, killed two civilians and wounded 10 others.

June 2 Nangarhar Province: 40 security forces killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in Haska Meyna district. During the attack, three border soldiers and 37 territorial army soldiers were killed and 12 more were wounded. Five outposts and a base fell to the Taliban.

June 1 Logar Province: one civilian killed

The Taliban attacked a security forces supplier in Mohammad Agha district, killing one civilian and wounding two others. The civilian was a contractor for a police special forces unit.

June 1 Kabul Province: 10 civilians killed

Ten civilians were killed and 12 others were wounded when explosions targeted two public minibuses targeted in Kabul’s Third Police District. The attack took place in a Hazara neighborhood where local workers were heading home.

June 1 Kapisa Province: four militia members killed

The Taliban attacked security outposts in Tagab district, killing four pro-government militia members and wounding one more. The Taliban captured the outpost.

June 1 Parwan Province: three N.D.S. officers and one civilian killed

A vehicle carrying officers of the National Directorate of Security, Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, was targeted by a magnetic bomb in Charikar, the provincial capital, killing three N.D.S. officers and one civilian and wounding three N.D.S. officers and one civilian.


Reporting was contributed by Zabihullah Ghazi from Jalalabad, Farooq Jan Mangal from Khost, Taimoor Shah from Kandahar and Asadullah Timory from Herat.

© 2021 The New York Times Company


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