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Myanmar Coup, "unconstitutional", End Military violence Immediately & Save the Constitution

Source: Maung Zarni
Protests in Myanmar

Despite escalating terror by the WWII Fascist Kempeitai-created Tatmadaw or military, millions of Myanmar people defied the nationwide order NOT to gather in groups of more than 5. Below is an image from my hometown of Mandalay.

After Myanmar Ambassador to UN Kyaw Moe Tun's bombshell speech at the UN last week defying the orders from the coup regime back in Naypyidaw, here is another rather unprecedented development:

The senior-most retired generals including the dictator Than Shwe, ex-President Thein Sein, and ex-Speaker of the Parliament intervened with the public letter addressed to the coup leaders, all police and military forces, and the peoples of Myanmar.

It openly opposes the coup as "unconstitutional", and makes 5 concrete suggestions:

1) Release all detained political leaders including Suu Kyi, as well as all other detainees;

2) Coup leader and council negotiate with Aung San Suu Kyi for a peaceful resolution of the uprisings, in the presence of the 3-co-signers;

3) All security personnel stop the violence against peaceful protesters IMMEDIATELY;

4) The people be allowed to exercised their basic rights to protest peacefully in accord with and as guaranteed by the 2008 Constitution, and finally

5) the Police and military forces uphold their sworn duties of protecting the people and the country.

Maung ZARNI © 2021

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