Jul 22, 2022
Uzbekistan lifts state of emergency after protest deaths
The authorities said 14 protesters and four law enforcement officers were killed in the violence.

Human Rights Watch
Jul 4, 2022
Uzbekistan: Unrest Poses Key Human Rights Test
At least 18 people died and over 240 were injured during recent unrest in Uzbekistan’s autonomous region of Karakalpakstan.

Jul 3, 2022
Uzbekistan: at least 5 killed in local unrest
The protests in Uzbekistan were prompted by planned constitutional changes that would have stripped Karakalpakstan of its autonomous status.

Jul 6, 2021
Uzbekistan disappoints with secretively adopted religion law
Restrictive rules banning the independent practice of religion are still in force. Men praying in Kokand in 2019 (David Trilling)...

Mushfig Bayram | Forum 18
Jun 29, 2021
UZBEKISTAN: Shia mosque reopenings blocked, Religion Law passed with no published text
Officials have so far blocked Shia Muslims' attempts to reopen mosques in Bukhara with property excuses, and in Samarkand attempts have...