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Genocide Watch Seeks Alliance & Advocacy Manager

Position open at Genocide Watch: Alliance Against Genocide and Advocacy Manager

Genocide Watch is searching for an Alliance and Advocacy Manager with excellent networking and advocacy skills to lead its Alliance Against Genocide coalition.

The Alliance Against Genocide is a network of over 100 organizations worldwide working to build the political will to prevent genocide. Formed in 1999, the Alliance has four main activities: education, early warning, advocacy for prevention, and support for institutions to punish genocide. Genocide Watch is the chair of the Alliance. Genocide Watch is an international volunteer anti-genocide organization.

The Alliance Manager oversees Genocide Watch staff and programs for the Alliance Against Genocide. The Manager attends Genocide Watch weekly Management Team meetings, weekly Genocide Watch all-staff meetings, and weekly Alliance and Advocacy Team meetings.

Oversight of Alliance and Advocacy Team staff includes managing work with Alliance member organizations, new member recruitment, building coalitions for advocacy, writing monthly Alliance reports, improving functionality of the Alliance website, and supervising staff.

Alliance Team members work with Alliance member organizations to host Alliance events including Alliance Against Genocide conferences. This work may include organizing working groups to address situations in countries at risk of genocide.

Applicants should familiarize themselves with Genocide Watch and the Alliance Against Genocide and Dr. Stanton’s Ten Stages of Genocide before applying for this position.

The Manager position is currently a virtual, unpaid volunteer position. The Manager will assist Genocide Watch in raising funds so this can become a full-time paid position.

Alliance Manager Responsibilities:

  • Recruiting potential new Alliance member organizations;

  • Organizing Alliance Against Genocide virtual conferences;

  • Coordinating with Alliance Against Genocide members for advocacy campaigns;

  • Writing, publishing, and distributing Alliance reports and press releases;

  • Attending events sponsored by Alliance member organizations;

  • Managing the Alliance’s website and social media;

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent managerial experience

  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Fluency in a second language is preferred

  • Knowledge about genocide and passion for genocide prevention

Submit resume, cover letter, and writing sample in combined PDF file to Dr. Gregory Stanton at with subject: [Your Name] – Alliance Manager

Alliance and Advocacy Manager
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